She Persisted

via Lady Helena on Twitter: “She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, She Persisted. #letlizspeak

I sent Sen. Mitch McConnell an email congratulating him on coming up with the single most effective meme–“She Persisted”–I can think of to galvanize American women to work to alter the regressive course Mitch and his buddies have plotted for our country. In using this dismissive phrase to justify telling his colleague, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, to essentially shut up and sit down, he immediately evokes the memory of generations of women (and thank God for them) who refused to be silenced, who persisted, who insisted on the rights of all women to be heard and to fully participate in society.  She Persisted?  Damn right she persisted.  We all need to persist, insist, resist.

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